Let's Celebrate! January 13 Rubber Duckie Day...What Fun!

Let's Celebrate Rubber Duckie Day!

Celebrated Every January 13th.

January 13th has been chosen as National Rubber Duckie Day.  Rubber Duckies first appeared in the late 1800s. Ernie on Sesame Street loved his Rubber Duckie bathtub toy, and seeing him with this toy made the Rubber Duckie very popular.

A Few Rubber Duckie Facts...
  • Initially, the Rubber Duckie did not float. It was made as a chew toy
  • In the early days, it was made of rubber. Now, it is usually a thick vinyl
  • The world's most extensive collection of rubber duckies stands at 5,632...yikes
  • There are 4 types of Rubber Duckies: jumbo, medium, small, and premium; the collector version
  • Rubber Duckies made the Toy Hall of Fame in 2013
  • The largest Duckie was created in 2014 and stands six stories tall
  • In 1992, a ship carrying 29,000 rubber duckies tipped and were lost to the sea.  Some are still being washed up on the coastline.

A Few Ways to Celebrate National Rubber Duckie Day...

1-Take a bath with a Rubber Duckie.

2-Host a Rubber Duckie race.

3-Listen to the song Rubber Duckie

4-Watch the video of Ernie singing Rubber Duckie

5-Organize a Rubber Duckie Hunt. 

6-Give Rubber Duckies as a gift.

How will I celebrate National Rubber Day? I am going to buy Rubber Duckie gifts for my two youngest grandkids.  I have already ordered them on Amazon.  Once they arrive, I will take them the gifts, watch Ernie sing the Rubber Duckie song, and then head to the bathtub with the new Rubber Duckies. I will enjoy watching them having a splashing good time. (they are 2 and 3 yrs old:-)

Happy National Rubber Duckie Day!


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